Klasse 7: Aktivität 4: Hören - Louisa schreibt eine Liste (A1)
Updated: Mar 25, 2020
Aim: I can understand simple information about food and drink; and how much they cost.
Listening Activity: As you watch the video for the first time, take note of the food items which Louisa writes on her shopping list. During the second listening, match then the prices accordingly.
Key Words:
brauchen: to need
schreiben: to write
laut: loud
natürlich: obviously/of course
das Geld: money
das Portmonnaie: purse
Deadline: 30th March 2020
Schau dir mal das Video an: (Stop watching at 01:18)
Orangen - €1,19
Bananen - €2,11
Kiwifrucht - €2,15
Äpfel - €1,20
Erdbeeren - €1,17
Hi Francesca,
Underneath the listening activity, you shall find the answers to the given task. Let me know if I can be of more help.
Kuss x
miss do we send it to you or we correct it our self ? thanks a lot Francesca Seguna form 1 st matthew
Hey sweet Louise, it's Ms. Sue. This activity is not meant for your year group. Make sure to follow the tasks which are found in the folder of Year 8 ;) Stay safe. Kuss
Good morning miss sue! Hope you are fine. My listining paper that you sent us is already done i think we allready did it