Klasse 7: Aktivität 5: Hören - Essen und Trinken (A1)
Aim: I can follow along a conversation even when native speakers talk at their regular pace. These exercises will help me deepen my understanding of the vocabulary and grammar related to this topicAim: I can follow along a conversation even when native speakers talk at their regular pace. These exercises will help me deepen my understanding of the vocabulary and grammar related to this topic
Point 1:
Was kostet das?: How much does it cost? (Singular)
z.B: Was kostet eine Tafel Schokolade?
Was kostet ein Kilo Orangen?
Was kosten das?: How much do they cost? (Plural)
z.B: Was kosten zwei Schokoladen?
Was kosten zwei Kilo Orangen?
Point 2:
Was möchtest du? - What would you like?
- Ich möchte eine vegetarische Pizza und eine Flasche Wasser, bitte.
Deadline: 1st April 2020
Key Words:
ich gehe einkaufen: I am going shopping
die Einkaufsliste: shopping list
(200) Gramm: (200) grams
Sonst noch etwas?: Would you like something else?
zurück: back
das schmeckt gut: that tastes good
das Eiscafé: ice-cream café
die Sahne: cream (panna)
köstlich/lecker: delicious
das Mehl: flour
die Pfannkuchen: pancakes
die Pfanne: pan
was isst du am liebsten?: what you like to eat most?
nichts Besonderes: nothing special
die Petersilie: parsley
die Küche: kitchen
der Teig: dough
die Schüssel: bowl
schneiden: to cut